* I dedicate this post to the one whom I lost to in an argument recently, but who made me realize a whole new part of me.
So folks, long time since I wrote, eh. Actually there’s a lot that have been going on in my life and I am truly, honestly experiencing one of the most productive and happiest phase of my life. I along with my amazing friends and team am back with the pride and euphoria of having organized one of the biggest finance summits in Mumbai, have won a scholarship in my b-school and my personal life is at an all time high. Still I didn’t write about any of it, and I haven’t found a convincing enough reason yet for why I didn’t. These are all stories in themselves, must be told, each deserving their own space. May be their time hasn’t come yet. May be it is coming soon. But today something happened. As always I was sleeping till afternoon on a lazy Sunday but since I had my lunch, some thoughts, some light was beckoning me.
It had something to do with the quote I started this post with. When I came to do my MBA I had a clear outcome in my mind – I wanted to be an equity analyst. But it was not an end in itself. It was a stepping stone towards what I thought I would ultimately like to be – a portfolio manager (of which whatever limited knowledge I had at that time). And the process started – classes, interactions, research, videos and talking to as many people as possible from the industry and academia to know about it. Sometime during the first year may be the ultimate goal of portfolio management got faded away in the background, in pursuit of something I was chasing. And then came the turning point – INTERNSHIP. I was getting something which was not close to being an analyst – Business Development in financial services. I knew this is not what I was looking for, but something somewhere was nudging me that I must go ahead with it. And there came my mentors – who advised me to do so. And during the period of my internship I realized something. I was exposed – to Myself. It came as clear as a lightning bolt, right in my face telling me that this is what I enjoy, which I have always enjoyed – being with people, talking & discussing about wealth creation, financial matters. By the end of it I was sure enough of myself, of what I wanted to do now. The realization that I am a finance guy who would like to be around people more than to sit in front of the laptop from day to night staring at financial statements. Meeting people, sales came naturally to me during the internship as I was right in the world which I loved the most – financial products and services and I was doing what came to me naturally – interacting with clients, trying to know their needs, trying to grow my business. Something which I read earlier was now manifesting in my life, that you don’t chase the things and people you need, you don’t chase success, you attract! Be attractive enough and you will attract the right kind of people, things, and opportunities.
But this too was not meant to be the end of it as the journey wasn’t to be completed yet. This too was a step towards something else, something bigger and something more meaningful. People oriented financial sales – yes, but as to what end. And the answer was right there in front of me, in everything I was reading, watching and what I wanted to be in the first instance. When I thought about being a Portfolio Manager before joining MBA, what deep inside I was looking towards was making people realize their goals through financial freedom, making help people generate, preserve and grow wealth, to make them live the life they have always wanted. Wealth Management was indeed the answer. Starting with getting clients for the business, making them realize what they actually want out of their lives and helping them live that kind of a life through financial plans, I know it all!! And I am sure somehow I am going to work my way up there.
The feeling and clarity by which I am proceeding towards it now was not as powerful and strong before I came to my b-school. As I was going through the list of my goals today, trying to figure and refigure what I am doing and actually want to do, this one thought came striking towards me.
I want to be known as the greatest wealth manager and motivational speaker in the world, who uses not just the laws of finance but Natural Laws of love and attraction to create wealth. I want to change the face of the wealth management industry which is right now totally focused on Ultra HNIs and HNIs. These are already great people who know the secret of wealth creation, who have achieved a lot in their life and just need some guidance on how to further grow and preserve it. Working with such people in itself is a great learning experience for wealth managers. Still I want to take it to people who deserve to live a great, outstanding life like the super rich but do not have a clue to what is going wrong and where. Creating and managing wealth is no rocket science, as the ones who have already created it in abundance would tell you, but just the application of natural laws, disciplines and common sense. Wealth is a mindset; it’s all about how you think. Every person has the capability to change the way their inner relationship and conversation with money happens.
The most important aspect of wealth creation is your “attitude” towards wealth. Whether you feel rich or poor? Do you love wealth and the thought of creating it or do you abhor the people who have enough of it? This is what matters more than the financial acumen per se. I am going to set up an organization which will redefine, or actually rediscover the process of wealth creation all over the world. A process which has always been there, the ancient Greeks knew it, it’s there in all the religions, all the Masters, and alchemists knew it. It is the philosophy of choosing LOVE over FEAR. The philosophy of joy, abundance and truth and focussing, believing and feeling about the outstanding life you are designed to have and nothing less than that. Combine it with the financial knowledge and techniques to make money in the present world, and you have an organization that could change the world, the fate of its people, forever. Great ideas come when you are trying to achieve something great. Tie ups can be made with likeminded organizations and people associated with them like Rhonda Byrne, Neale Donald Walsch, David Schirmer, Loral Langemeier, Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield and the likes who are living examples of this approach of wealth creation. And who knows who all are there waiting to be tapped. There have been masters in the past like Dale Carnegie, John Earl Shoaff and Jim Rohn who changed the wealth discipline forever, who made it simple for people to understand and attract wealth. This needs to be done again, at an even larger scale. And in this information era where so much is available about the thoughts and works of these great minds, the impact that will be achieved by adding to it will be nothing short of a miracle. There was a time when India proved to be a melting pot for the religions and cultures of the world. There will be a time when an Indian organization will change the mindset of the world about wealth. It will make the people all over the globe empowered to attract and create wealth, and live the outstanding lives they so desire.
I started the journey before my MBA commenced, with a thought in mind, and now to come back here and again think about it, indeed I am knowing the place from where I started better than ever. Hope the beautiful journeys of life continue like this.
God Bless and Godspeed!
I appreciate your truthfulness keep it up……..He will be with you always……