From some time now, I have been doing a number of things
which I don’t like. And as always, in such times I turn to the people who I
love the most and people whose thoughts and advice have an effect on me. Some
of them have said ‘you’ll get over this, it’s just a matter of time’ and some
‘you needed this, you have to get out of your own little shell and do things
which you don’t like’. The second one I actually find really amusing as I never
thought this about myself :D. Some of my loved ones have tried to motivate me
trying to remind me of my biggest achievements, my highest times and the person
I am when I am at my best. Seriously, to all of you, I owe a lot and thanks for
being there, to motivate me, to scold me, and to pump me up in your own unique
But today while coming back from an official visit when I
had some good time to think freely, sitting relaxed in the back seat of the
cab, I finally found some words and ideas to communicate, to explain what I
have been trying to say all this time. To make sense to all the people who
matter. The title of this post is the gist of what the feeling is and that is
what this post is going to talk more about.
As we all know that when we go through troubled times all of
our core value systems, our philosophies, everything you have believed in comes
right crashing all around on you. Especially when your troublesome situation is
caused by your own actions which were based on exact same philosophies and
beliefs. But what needs to be remembered is that these are also the exact
things which will take you out of the ‘situation’ and into happiness again. Let
me explain how.

Now I am all for success. I even wrote a whole blog post
about it when I first started writing ( But Success has to be on your own terms.
If it’s not then you are going to feel more and more miserable with every achievement
it brings along. It’s so because with every new achievement what you’ll feel is
that I could have done it in my own field of endeavor, in my own way and there
too I could have been successful. Real success would be sitting in that BMW and
feeling pumped up and proud about it, feeling happy with what you have achieved
but also enthusiastic and impatient to get to the next success, to buy your own
“Ferrari”. This feeling of getting to the next step you could never get by
sulking in your present achievements and successes as they came to you by doing
things you never wanted to do.
That’s the reason Vin Diesel in The Fast & The Furious
says “Nothing matters unless you have a code”. That’s also the reason that you should
not get overwhelmed by other’s life stories, advises (if they can be called so)
and reasoning. You got to have your own philosophy, your own code for your
life. It has to be something you can live by and die by. Nobody knows you
better than you do. And all the success you wish to achieve is all there, only
if you move along the path which you decide for yourself and not let ‘unwanted’
people & situations make you do any other way. This is the only way you
will feel elated even at the smallest of your successes and calm even at the
mind-blowing ones. It will happen because you will know that every decision,
every action that you took was the one which was meant to be, decided by
yourself, and the success which is being bestowed on you is yours to bask in.

Similarly your current situation (job/love life/fill in the
blank) might be the one which looks ideal to other people. People around you
might say how good it is, how much growth is there, how much comforts &
luxuries you are getting but if you’re not happy, change it. Change it coz
you’re not a tree, so don’t just keep standing. If you keep on doing something
just because you are talented at it or it makes you good money, you are no more
than a slave to your talents and comforts. Fight for what you want, go for it
and be successful in what you and only you choose for your life. Chris
Gardener, the legend himself once said – Find out what you like, what makes you
excited each morning and then work hard to be the best in it. And while doing
it, never forget your roots. Trust me, this advice works.
Ultimately, what I understand is that we as humans don’t run
after material things like money, cars, big houses, a certain partner, per se.
What we chase are FEELINGS. We pursue
all of the above things in order to make us feel
a certain way. In order to make us feel more happy, more powerful, more
content, more ambitious, more giving, more loving and ready to be more
receiving. Money inherently has no value, it’s valuable because of the dreams
it lets us fulfill. And that’s how it’s supposed to be. Chase the feeling. Do
what you think is going to make you feel better, feel happier being alive doing
what you are doing. If something has a lot of niceties to offer but doesn't make you feel that certain way you know you ought to be
feeling, believe me you are better off letting it go away ….!!
To a new journey towards personal goals and
….. CHEERS !!!